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True Story About Atlantis – The Bimini Road

The world is filled with mysterious sites, lost cultures, megalithic structures, sacred palaces, and unusual occurrences that have stirred the imagination and led to speculation about our true origin.

The quest for Atlantis and the search for a forgotten ancient mother culture have intrigued and inspired generations of scientists, explorers, philosophers, and psychics throughout the ages. The Quest for Atlantis is like the Holy Grail. It lies at the core of our traditions and contains the seeds of not only mystery but also challenge. The term Atlantis stands as a metaphor for the human yearning to explore the unknown and to follow the path of truth wherever it may lead. The Atlantis legend, credited to the Greek philosopher Plato, has endured and symbolises a dream of a golden age, a lost paradise, and it could help explain similarities between ancient cultures, legends of worldwide floods, and megalithic construction in the Old and New World.

Atlantis – The Bimini Road

The first accounts of Atlantis were supplied by the Greek philosopher Plato in the 4th century BC. In Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias, Atlantis is described as a vast paradise in the great ocean beyond the peninsulars of Hercules.

For generations, there was peace, and the people were true and noble, and they showed gentleness and wisdom. But at the end, Atlantean society began to decay, the divine wisdom began to weaken and fade, and it became diluted with lawlessness, ambition, and power.

During the last days of Atlantis, about 12,000 years ago, the Atlanteans had lost their virtue and were amassing armies to conquer the world when the Earth shook and the islands disappeared into the depths of the sea. Atlantis was a civilization unequalled before or since, yet it is said it vanished in little more than a single day, leaving not a trace behind.

In 1930, Edgar Cayce, one of America’s most famous and well documented psychics, predicted that the remains of Atlantis would be found near Bimini in ’68 or ’69. According to Edgar Cayce, many people living today are former Atlanteans, who are drawn back at this time to find Atlantis, to receive enlightenment, and to help heal themselves and this ancient site from past turmoil. Edgar Cayce also predicted that a healing well could be found and developed into a centre for two purposes: regeneration for those with certain types of ailments, and a centre for archaeological research.

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In 1612, an Indian legend was translated that described an island called “Bemene”, where old people could bathe and emerge young once more. The Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon, searched for “Bemene” and the fountain of youth in vain. On “Bimini”, a small spring has been discovered that contains some levels of lithium and sulphur, and where some people have reported an increase in well-being, euphoria, and alleviation of certain ailments like arthritis.

Bimini glistens like a jewel in the azure Gulf Stream and is an enigma in many ways. Its legends include Fountains of Youth, Atlantean ruins, Healing Waters, and Megalithic Stones, all of which combine in a dynamic crucible of energy and lore.

Is Bimini a part of the fabled Atlantis?

In September of 1968, on Bimini, a most exciting discovery was made. Dr Mason Valentine, a zoologist, paleontologist, geologist, and underwater archaeologist, was led to the shore reef by Bonefish Sam for some diving. When he looked down, he saw hundreds of flat rocks eight to ten feet square arranged in regular patterns about a thousand yards from shore in about 10 feet of water. His discovery is now known as the “Bimini Road,” and it is approximately 300 feet wide and 1600 feet long.

I was amazed to discern an extensive pavement of rectangles and occasionally polygonal flat stones of varying size and thickness, obviously arranged and accurately aligned to form convincing engineering courses. These stones had evidently been submerged over a long span of time, for the edges of some had become rounded, giving the blocks the appearance of giant loaves of bread or pillows. My personal feeling is that the whole fantastic complex represents the intelligent utilisation by ancient man of materials provided by nature and appropriate for the creation of some sort of ceremonial center. 34

After researching the area, Dr. Valentine has refuted the scientific claims that the road site is natural beach rock by explaining that many of the stones are of flint-hard micrite, unlike soft beach rock; that the stones do not follow the curving beach rock lines; that some of the enormous flat stones are propped up at the corners by pillar stones like dolmens; and that one end of the complex swings into a beautiful curved corner before vanishing under the sand. Dr. Valentine has studied the Bahamas for 30 years and has numerous sites for potential investigation. Dr. Valentine’s discovery occurred precisely at the time that Edgar Cayce had predicted that the remains of Atlantis would be found near Bimini.

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Since that time, many others have studied this amazing complex. Veteran French engineer, diver and pilot Dimitri Rebikoff, a pioneer of underwater photography and inventor of the Pegasus, an underwater platform, has carried out underwater and aerial photomapping of the Bimini Site. From 1969 to 1978, Dimitri Rebikoff compiled a stereoscopic mosaic survey of the Bimini Road and continues to investigate the support pillars under some of the huge blocks.

Mysterious stones

Dr. David Zink, a prehistorian and explorer, visited Bimini in 1974 to investigate the mysterious stones. Dr. Zink has conducted extensive underwater surveying and archaeological work on Bimini that has included professional surveys, the use of side-scan sonar and nuclear activation analysis. His scientific approach to exploring ancient mysteries has utilised U.S. Navy divers as well as psychics in conjunction with standard archaeological practices. Dr. Zink has led 10 expeditions to Bimini and is the author of The Ancient Stones Speakand The Stones of Atlantis. More of Dr. Zink14s discoveries are discussed in his revised 1990 edition of The Stones of Atlantis. Dr Zink has concluded that the site was built by man as a megalithic temple similar to Stonehenge.

Much has happened in the 22 years since the discovery of the Bimini Road Site. In the last two decades, advances in technology, breakthroughs in consciousness, and the greater understanding of the sophistication of prehistoric civilizations have occurred.

In 1989, Dr. Joan Hanley, founder of the Gaea Project, Dr. David Zink, and myself came together and created Quest for Atlantis. We developed a conference with a multilevel approach that included on-site investigation, underwater exploration, aerial fly-bys, and Healing Well experiences.

During the project, our group headed out to Paradise Point to look for the ancient stones in the vast ocean. Visibility was unlimited as our diving boat stopped and the divers and snorkelers entered the water. We were amazed at the incredible site we saw. Large regular boulders, far more impressive than we had imagined, all fitted neatly in rows extending beyond our sight. Later during the conference, while conducting aerial fly-bys with Dimitri Rebikoff as pilot, members of the flight observed a mysterious fish-like mound over 500 feet long in the mist of the mangrove swamp. Although there were reports of a fish mound before, it does not appear on any maps.

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Enthusiasm was high as the group pondered the significance of a possible man-made mound similar to the earthen works of the American Mound Builders on this remote island in the Bahamas. Later in the week, we headed out for the legendary healing well, or possible fountain of youth. The ocean shimmered in various colours of unbelievable hues of blue as we left for the northeast tip of the island. We arrived at a dense mangrove area and anchored in shallow water. A narrow path had been cut and we carefully waded through the tangled root system that led to a small pond.

The surface was warm sea water floating over that cool spring below. The water was abnormally buoyant, and we floated effortlessly in the small pond. After getting used to the greenish water and the initial giggles, a peaceful feeling came over us. We meditated, allowing the sense of well-being to spread and enfold our bodies. We left feeling emotionally balanced and with a sense of profound peace.

After the conference, Raymond E. Leigh, a land surveyor, commissioned a Miami aerial surveying firm to take infrared aerial photographs over Bimini at various heights. In the process of exploring the fish-mound from the air, he discovered a rectangular mound and a cat mound. By conducting an in-depth study of the mathematical data on Bimini, Raymond feels he has found similarities between ancient units of measurement. The fish fin has an east-west orientation. Calculations of the various dimensions of the mounds and painstaking analysis of the aerial photos revealed a recognised Golden Section (1 to 0.618) in the geometry of the Bimini Mounds.

In May 1990, Quest for Atlantis II again brought diverse expertise together. Dr. Joan Hanley, Dr. Doug Richards, zoologist and Director of Research for Atlantis University, and myself created the second conference. Various explorers with diverse expertise attended. The conference focused on investigating mounds, a search for other wells, and interviews with the elders of the island to preserve their stories and experiences.

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The Quests were filled with adventure and opportunities in mind, body, and spirit to assimilate and integrate greater wholeness. The quest is to touch something of the Divine and move from seeking to deep inner knowingness. The Quest stirs each generation. It asks us to remember and bring forth the truth about our spiritual and historical heritage. The time of revealing ancient records is dawning.

Old forms are giving way to new possibilities, and the key to the new forms is in personal and group empowerment, which includes freedom and self-expression; integrity; interdependence; partnership; trust; and action. We are all learning to understand the process of shared vision and right human relationships with ourselves, others, and Mother Earth.

The mystery still surrounds the discoveries man made in ancient times and by others believed to be natural formations of beach rock. The Bimini Road Site has launched a multitude of questions and the controversy continues to this day. If these sites are not part of the sunken continent of Atlantis, they are very likely the remains of some other ancient Old World civilization and, when identified, will shed more light on our ancient past and who discovered the New World.

I know in my heart that the Healing Well is real and there is definite evidence of a very ancient culture in Bimini. There are many who have dedicated their lives and resources to researching the evidence on this small island, and there are many more to follow. The people drawn to Bimini and these projects are drawn together by a deep bond and a love of prehistory and Atlantis lore. The full realisation of what the Lost Atlantean wisdom represents contains the seed of hope. Can we live together in harmony with universal energies? I know that by bringing diverse disciplines and expertise together in a cooperative spirit, we can help solve the mysteries and realise greater peace.

Today, the possibilities of new discoveries as we search for the truth are limitless. It seems that mystery and imagination are vital in rediscovering the clues of the past. Paradoxically, as science advances its storehouse of knowledge, even more imagination and spirit are needed. 34 by Albert Einstein in 1930.

Watch National Geography documentary legend of atlantis

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