Monday, July 8, 2024
12.9 C

Tag: UFOs

Vanishing Act of UFOs: Cosmic Hiatus or Shifting Cultural Mirage?

UFO sightings dwindle, prompting questions about their existence. Delve into the debate – are UFOs real phenomena or a...

UFO Chronicles: Pioneering Laws, and Bizarre Encounters Unfold

Explore a bygone era of UFO mania as Palacios, TX mayor calls for a historic "Fly-In," and Ocean Springs,...

Mothman Chronicles: From Urban Legend to Paranormal Phenomenon

Mothman Mysteries and History In the captivating realm of cryptozoology, the enigmatic figure of Mothman emerges as a legendary and...

The Top 6 Most Bizarre UFO Cases

Explore the UFO cases Table of contentsExplore the UFO cases1. Mysterious disappearance of Flight 3702. Investigate the unexplained sightings in...

The Two Towers, or the Siren’s Ultimate Prophecy (UPDATE)

So for the past few weeks we've been looking at how a constellation of connections, syncs and symbols surrounding...

This is the Water: Twin Peaks, Roswell and the Siren’s Song (UPDATE)

Please tell me you're watching the new season of Twin Peaks. Like nearly everyone else my jaw is still...

The Present Can Only Be Viewed from the Past

2017 might seem like the hangover after a particularly-nasty meth, glue and Thunderbird bender, but it's actually a year...

Lovecraft Revisited: Cthulhu, Crowley and Cosmic Fire

Peter Levenda has two new books out. One is a nonfiction work (Sekret Machines: Gods) attached to Tom DeLonge's...

The Skies Are Still Speaking

(Oh, please click to enlarge)So a new movie popped up on Netflix, one I'd actually been waiting to see....

Hazy Cosmic Jive: Bowie and the Starmen, Part Three

And your prayers they break the sky in twoBelieving the strangest things, loving the alienYou pray til the break...

Hazy Cosmic Jive: Bowie and the Starmen, Part One

 "If I'd been an original thinker, I'd never have been in rock 'n' roll. There's no new ways of...

Unified Weird Theory: But It Rhymes

Prophetic...Is the endless Seventies tapeloop finally over? Are we reliving the early Eighties again now? Was Stranger Things somehow...