Wednesday, July 3, 2024
13.5 C

Tag: Space Colonization

Disruption: Powerful Forces are Smashing America

Fueled by technology, powerful forces are smashing America– and in fact, the world– to hell all in the name...

The Covenant and the Cargo Cult, Part 1

Sir Ridley Scott's long-awaited prequel to Prometheus opened this week in certain countries and is set to open in...

Secret Sun Picture Parade: Oscars Go to the Moon (UPDATE)

Not a promising omen. Remember that the Babylon Gate sits in the backyard of the Kodak Theater, where the...

AstroGnostic: You’ll Be Godlike. Or Not.

Fueled by technology, powerful forces are smashing America-- and in fact, the world-- to hell all in the name...

AstroGnostic: You’ll Be Godlike, Part Two

And on the pedestal these words appear:"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and...

AstroGnostic: You’ll Be Godlike, Part One

Whoever wins the upcoming US Presidential election is going to find themselves in the unenviable position of being totally...

Space/Gods: As Above, So Ba’al-Low

Ba'al in his flying sky-chariotWe're five days out from the erection of the reproduction of the Palmyra triumphal arch...

Enki’s Playground, or the Domed City of Dubai

The city-state of Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates, is one of the great puzzles of our time....

Secret Sun Picture Parade: It’s Not What It Looks Like

You know we're in a ride when this year when there's an "Osiris Expo" in Paris. The Expo actually opened...

Clownshow 2016: Can a Viper Change its Stripes?

This blog really found its voice during the 2008 Presidential Elections when I noticed that the two major candidates...