Wednesday, July 3, 2024
12.8 C

Tag: Religion

Fiery Tradition: Feast of Sainte Devote in Monaco

Join Monaco in commemorating Sainte Devote on January 27 with a unique boat-burning ceremony, a tradition rooted in a...

Einstein’s secret letter that revealed his views on religion

Einstein's secret letter was written in reaction to traditional religious ideas and shares his perspective of the interaction between...

In Philadelphia, ordinary Catholics keep the faith — despite the church’s failings

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Believe In Yourself Key to Achieving Your Self-Confidence

If you do not believe in yourself, do not hope someone else does. Only if you believe in yourself,...

9 Ways to Start Living Your Dream Life Today

Dream about what you want. Be what you want to be, because you have only one life and you only have one...

Interlude: Sirius Rising

Click here if you're at all lost.The first thing I'd like to do here is reframe this narrative. The...

New Interview on Secret Transmissions

Jeff Wolfe's must-read interview blog Secret Transmissions has a new interview with yours truly up. Riffing on the upcoming...

For the Faithful Not-Quite Departed

When I was a kid I really tuned into the whole Holy Week thing. Aside from Christmas it seemed...

Twin Peaks, Mulholland Dr. and the 17 Enigma

David Lynch and Twin Peaks return this May so I thought I'd take this opportunity to re-post this analysis...

MKOFTEN Redux: They Didn’t Get the Memo

Well, it looks McCarthyism and the Cold War and aren't the only golden oldies our friends in the Spook Community have...

Why I’m Not a Mythicist, Part III: Out of Egypt

The primary argument of the Mythicists- whether you're talking about Jesus, Paul or any of the early Church Fathers-...

Why I Am Not a Mythicist, Part II: The Martyred Magician

Jesus and his magic wand, raising LazarusFor a guy who an increasing number of people believe never existed, Jesus...