Friday, July 5, 2024
20.1 C

Tag: Prehistoric Creatures

Leviathan Melvillei, ‘Sea Monster’ Whale Fossil Unearthed

Researchers have discovered the fossilised remains of an ancient whale with huge, fearsome teeth. The Peruvian desert has turned out...

Xixianykus Road Runner – Meet Your Dinosaur Predecessor!

Road runner, meet your dinosaur predecessor, an “extreme” runner unearthed by an international paleontology team in central China. In the...

Iceland’s Worm Monster: Lagarfljót Worm Unmasked Videos

The Icelandic national television has released video footage that purports to reveal the Loch Ness monster‘s Icelandic counterpart. Hjortur Kjerulf,...

Tyrannosaurus Spread Worldwide Early in Age of Dinosaurs

Paleontologists Thursday unveiled the first fossil evidence — a foot-long pelvic bone found in Australia — showing that T....

Arctodus Simus – American Ice Age Super Predator

When the first humans crossed the Bering Strait into North America they encountered a hunter's paradise, with mammoths, mastodons,...

Deinosuchus, an Ancient Reptile that ate Dinosaurs

According to bite marks, excrement, and other evidence, a prehistoric animal that resembled a crocodile and was nearly twice...

Fossil: Amphibians Roamed Pennsylvania 300 Million Years Ago

Paleontologists reported this week that a meat-eating amphibian roamed the badlands of Pennsylvania some 300 million years ago. “Amphibians are...

120 Foot long Giant Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Facts

As a species jellies have been around for a very long time. They appeared in the oceans about 650...

Kongamato: Prehistoric Jungle Creature a Giant Bat?

Kongamato Monster Some 65 million years ago, starting in the Jurassic and lasting into the Cretaceous, there existed a powerful...

Chile: Amazing 5 Million year old Whale Graveyard Mystery

Scientists think they have solved the enigma of the five million-year-old whale graveyard discovered in Chile beside the Pan-American...

Lagarfljót Worm: Iceland’s Loch Ness Monster

The Lagarfljótsormurinn Lagarfljót worm, (or simply Iceland Worm Monster) is an Icelandic lake cryptid which is purported to live in...

Siberia Time Traveler: Woolly Mammoth with blonde!

The "exquisitely preserved" remains of an young woolly mammoth - thought to be 10,000 years old - has been...