Monday, July 8, 2024
17.9 C

Tag: Planet

Gwalior Fort in India: A Marvel of Architectural Excellence

Behold the architectural splendor that is the Gwalior Fort, a masterpiece that stands as a testament to the rich...

Kanchenjunga: Earth’s Third Tallest Peak

Standing tall among the giants of the Himalayas, Kanchenjunga claims the title of the third-highest mountain on our planet....

SAOLA: Preserving Vietnam’s Most Endangered Mammal

Enter the realm of the Saola, Vietnam's most endangered mammal, residing in the lush landscapes that bridge the borders...

Pakistani Handicrafts: Captivating and Interesting

You will be aware of one of Pakistan's nature-absorbing qualities: its unique and alluring handicrafts. The most well-known aspect...

Baltoro Glacier: A Wonderful Gift From Nature

Let me tell you about yet another magnificent natural beauty in Pakistan. This is likewise from Northern Pakistan and...

Naadam: The Traditional Mongolian Festival

The courageous nomadic people who roamed Mongolia's vast grasslands and meadows for thousands of years are actually the valiant...

Uzbekistan Traditional Outfits

The culture of Uzbekistan is a synthesis of several different ethnic populations and groups rather than having a single...

Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Japan

Since the Heian Period in Japan, Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto has been one of the most popular pilgrimage destinations...

Barefoot Kiwis Tradition

Nowhere else can wearing any shoes cause as much controversy and provoke as many questions as in the American...

SAARC Nations: National Flowers

Different nations on earth select their native flowers or plants to symbolize their geographic region. Canada and Australia were...

Shinbyu: Myanmar’s ceremony for establishing the Sangha

Theravada Buddhism began about two thousand years ago with Rahula's inheritance ceremony, a son of Buddha who marked the...

Pakistan’s Rush Lake: A jewel of Karakorum

Rush Lake is a gorgeous, high-altitude alpine lake in Pakistan's Karakorum mountain range that truly is the crown jewel...