Wednesday, July 3, 2024
13.5 C

Tag: Gnosis

Disruption: Powerful Forces are Smashing America

Fueled by technology, powerful forces are smashing America– and in fact, the world– to hell all in the name...

Why I Am Not a Mythicist, Part II: The Martyred Magician

Jesus and his magic wand, raising LazarusFor a guy who an increasing number of people believe never existed, Jesus...

AstroGnostic: You’ll Be Godlike. Or Not.

Fueled by technology, powerful forces are smashing America-- and in fact, the world-- to hell all in the name...

AstroGnostic: You’ll Be Godlike, Part Two

And on the pedestal these words appear:"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and...

AstroGnostic: You’ll Be Godlike, Part One

Whoever wins the upcoming US Presidential election is going to find themselves in the unenviable position of being totally...

The Veneer of Progress / Beyond the Natural

Rod Dreher is the editor of The American Conservative magazine. He's become a bit of a celebrity in Christian...

Childhood’s End and the Theater of Apocalypse

SyFy is finally getting around to adapting Arthur C. Clarke's classic, Childhood's End. It's one of those books that...