Friday, July 5, 2024
20.1 C

Tag: Fossil Discovered

Tyrannosaurus Spread Worldwide Early in Age of Dinosaurs

Paleontologists Thursday unveiled the first fossil evidence — a foot-long pelvic bone found in Australia — showing that T....

Arctodus Simus – American Ice Age Super Predator

When the first humans crossed the Bering Strait into North America they encountered a hunter's paradise, with mammoths, mastodons,...

Deinosuchus, an Ancient Reptile that ate Dinosaurs

According to bite marks, excrement, and other evidence, a prehistoric animal that resembled a crocodile and was nearly twice...

Fossil: Amphibians Roamed Pennsylvania 300 Million Years Ago

Paleontologists reported this week that a meat-eating amphibian roamed the badlands of Pennsylvania some 300 million years ago. “Amphibians are...

Ancient History: Archaeological Cover Ups

By David Childress, Most of us are familiar with the last scene in the popular Indiana Jones archaeological adventure...

Chile: Amazing 5 Million year old Whale Graveyard Mystery

Scientists think they have solved the enigma of the five million-year-old whale graveyard discovered in Chile beside the Pan-American...

Strange Godzillus fossil find stumps experts

A fossilized specimen, a roughly elliptical shape with multiple lobes, totaling almost seven feet in length, was unveiled today...

Time-Traveling with Ida: Exploring the Fossilized Treasures of Darwinius masillae

Darwinius masillae (IDA): In a groundbreaking revelation, scientists in New York have unveiled the skeleton of a potential common...