Monday, July 8, 2024
18.2 C

Tag: Comics

The Bigfoot Napoleon Dynamite? Sasquatch Dumpling Gang Review

Most adults still hold onto some stale, worn-out old belief, whether it’s in UFOs or Santa Claus or an...

New Interview on Secret Transmissions

Jeff Wolfe's must-read interview blog Secret Transmissions has a new interview with yours truly up. Riffing on the upcoming...

Legion and the Trauma of Metaphysics

It's just about ten years ago that I finished my manuscript for Our Gods Wear Spandex and the perspective...

Hazy Cosmic Jive: Bowie and the Starmen, Part Three

And your prayers they break the sky in twoBelieving the strangest things, loving the alienYou pray til the break...

Hazy Cosmic Jive: Bowie and the Starmen, Part Two

"I always had a repulsive sort of need to be something more than human. I felt very very puny...

Spy vs Spy: Bizarro Cold War, or Russians Am Coming

In am out. Wet am dry. Up am down in Bizarro America.Billionaires iz Democrats. Republicans iz Populists. Democrats am...

Lucifer’s Technologies, Part One

PART 1/ PART 2/ PART 3/ PART 4/ PART 5/ PART 6/ PART 7/PART 8/PART 9...I just read that Fox has renewed its "adaption" of...

Bad Things Happen When the Birds Gather

I began writing Our Gods Wear Spandex on September For some reason I can only ascribe to my Holy...

CultureWatch: GenX, History’s Latchkey Kids

So, a developing theme out there in the culture is this Baby Boomers vs. Millennials war. You've probably seen...

Night Force, Part Two: Mind as Weapon (or not)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns...

Hey Kids! Weaponized Black Magic! All in Color!

Give Webster Tarpley the credit for calling out the agenda long before anyone else. He saw that the the...

Comic Con Panel with Paranormal Pop Culture Guru

Yesterday, I made a mad dash (fighting post game-day traffic) to Tulsa for the Wizard World Comic Con where...