Monday, July 8, 2024
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Tag: Anthropology

Legacy of Beatrice Mary Blackwood: Pioneering Women of Anthropology

In the expansive realm of British anthropology, Beatrice Mary Blackwood stands as a beacon of courage and innovation. In...

The Nazca Lines, Peru, Things you don’t know

The Nazca Lines are giant sketches drawn in the desert of western Peru by ancient peoples. The drawings were...

Atlantis Rises Once More To torment With Its Timeless Tale

Indefatigable Atlantis Rises Once More To Tantalize With Its Timeless Tale University of Hartford professor Richard Freund began with the...

Roundup of the Rare: Strange (but true?) Stories From Around The World.

Roopkund is a glacial lake in India's Himalayan region full of ancient skeletons that become disturbingly visible when the...


Intriguing discoveries have cropped up in the realms of ancientstudies.First, in archaeology, a new hypothesis has been put forth...