Saturday, June 29, 2024
12.7 C

'Can you hear me?' scam tricks victims into authorizing unwanted charges

“Can you hear me?”

Don’t respond, authorities say. The seemingly-innocent phone call is tricking victims into saying “yes.” The person on the other end then records that person’s response and uses it to authorize unwanted charges on his or her utility bills and credit cards.

How does the scam work? The con artist already has your phone number, and possibly your credit card number or an electricity bill. If you call your credit card or utility company to fight sketchy charges, it can be argued that you already gave verbal consent.

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This isn’t the only scam that’s making its rounds. PA Law Help says that people have been caught posing as debt collectors and tech support specialists. Some even call from fake sweepstakes companies, telling residents they’ve won large amounts of cash.


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