Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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New food and beverage incubator opens in East Garfield Park

CHICAGO (AP) – A $34 million food and nutrient brooder has opened in Chicago’s East Chief Executive Park neighborhood.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, neighborhood leaders and members of the community attended Thursday’s official gap of The place which is able to offer a cheap area to assist native food entrepreneurs launch and develop their businesses.
Emanuel same the power can produce new jobs, extend the success of Chicago’s food trade directly into neighborhoods and drive future economic process on the city’s side.
The 67,000-square-foot (6,224-square-meter) facility provides facilities and amenities to satisfy the wants of a large kind of rising food and nutrient production businesses. It features fifty-four non-public food-grade kitchens, five shared room bays, dry-cold storage, loading docks for distribution and food trucks, and open work area.

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