Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Half the world’s population lived in India 25,000 years ago

25,000 years ago, half of the world’s population lived in India, BHU scientists find

Researchers at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) have revealed a shocking aspect of human development. BHU researchers found that half of the world’s population lived in India 25,000 years ago.

BHU geneticist Gnaneshwar Chubi recently shared information about this study on the 27th day of the Kashi Tamil Sangam educational program.

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“Although modern people were born in Africa, they grew up in our country. It is for this reason that half of the world’s population lived in our country 25 thousand years ago.

These results were obtained by studying 25,000 samples from different parts of the country, Professor Chaubey said. It is said that 25 thousand years ago, many people lived on the Indian Peninsula between the Himalayas, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, where they got a good location and food. After that, these people gradually spread to Asia and other islands, he said, and there is evidence of this in archeology.

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Scientists at Banaras Hindu University examined 25,000 DNA samples. At the same time, Indian DNA was compared with a thousand DNA samples from Europe, West Asia, East Asia, Siberia and Africa.

Information about our origins is available in the form of mutations in our DNA. Scientists have deciphered this information and on its basis have received such result.

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