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HomeLifestyleHealth Risks Associated with Excessive Sleep Duration

Health Risks Associated with Excessive Sleep Duration

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Sleep is most essential for human being. Everyone should sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours every day. Children and elderly need to sleep for 8 to 10 hours. But some people eat well and sleep more.

But medical experts say that this is not good at all. Health experts say that those who sleep more than necessary may face obesity, headaches, diabetes, back pain and heart problems in the future.

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These facts have come to light in a recent study conducted by scientists. Doctors say not to sleep too much. But this oversleeping can be controlled normally. For that you have to make sure that sunlight hits your body.

Make time for sleep. Try to stick to that time even on weekends and holidays. Certain medications can also cause insomnia. So if you are using any medication… immediately consult your doctor and inform about this problem

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Multiple studies have conclusively linked excessive sleep to depression, showing a strong relationship between the two factors. Long sleepers above 8 hours reported considerably higher depressed symptoms than did typical sleepers in the Whitehall trial. This conclusion has been supported by several studies and meta-analyses, which show that those who sleep excessively have greater rates of depression than people who get the recommended amount of sleep.

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More recently, a study that looked at the predictive value of insomnia and sleep duration for depressive and anxiety disorders over a two-year period showed that long sleep duration had a separate association with the persistence of these disorders even after adjusting for the severity of psychiatric symptoms. This was also connected independently with a chronic course trajectory along with brief sleep duration.

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The relationship between dysania, or the urge to stay in bed without sleeping, and the link between depression and oversleeping have some confusing effects. This might inject bias into the relationship between prolonged periods of sleep and mental wellness.

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